About FST
FST is a dynamic, innovative, experienced and hands-on thermal spray company committed to quality and customer service.
- Turn-key systems and projects
- Thermal Spray equipment including atmospheric plasma and HVOF, combustion wire/powder, wire arc systems.
- Auxiliary equipment including: powder feeders, robots, turn tables, spray lathes, traverse units, dust collectors, heat Exchangers.
- Thermal spray materials including ceramic, carbide, Metal/Alloy powders, wires and masking tapes. Further, FST and Höganäs have signed a materials and technology partnership to jointly develop the market, and provide technology to this market through joint know-how and knowledge. FST is able to offer the leading brand of AMPERIT®.
- Thermal spray spare parts for most available thermal spray torches
- Application & coating technology know-how transfer and development
- Full service and support
- Advise in health and safety issues

Your partner in thermal spray
To have a recognized, sustainable, innovative, robust and global business specializing in Industrial Surface Enhancement Technologies. We will penetrate and take advantage of new fast growing markets, exciting new technologies, and will provide excellent services to the industries we support.
To be Industry’s Choice for a Quality and Reliable Partner for Complete Thermal Spray Technology, Logistics, and Coating Solutions through our:
- People
- Innovative Sustainable Solutions
- Service and Quality
- Loyalty and Passion
- Global Presence
- Fair Profit Policy
- Acting sustainably
Quality and ISO 9001
Quality plays a preferential and crucial role within FST. The quality policy at Flame Spray Technologies is a vital element in our commitment to achieving our corporate mission by enforcing our values and fully developing our strategy. We at Flame Spray Technologies want to supply the right product at the right price, at the right time with the right quality with the right service.
Our quality policy is supported by an ISO 9001 accreditation.
Sustainability and ISO 14001
With the implementation of our environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001, we ensure a reduction of environmental effects and risks within our operations and products. This also underpins our policy to work with materials, processes in a environmentally conscious manner. By reusing products and parts by means of a renewed coating, our solutions also directly contribute to a better environment and a circular economy.
Read more about the sustainability of our thermal spray solutions

FST, Your Partner in Thermal Spray
At FST, through innovative technologies, we continually develop our total solution offering, enabling our customers to be world class providers of Thermal Spray services.